Thursday, June 21, 2012

Who are you.

You're not my best friend. You're not the guy I fell in love with all those months ago. Who are you. Would you like to tell me? Reintroduce yourself? You are a stranger to me. You say and do things that don't make sense. You say you will cheat on your girlfriend if she doesn't have sex with you in the next four months. You go out and get high as fuck like it's no big deal, even though you know I HATE that. This isn't you. This is not the sweetheart that I love.

And suddenly, I'm glad I broke up with you. Im glad that this lying, cheating, pothead is a thing of the past. I don't ven want to associate with you anymore. I don't hang out with retarded people like you.

Get your act together. Or else you risk losing your best friend.

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