I am feeling stressed today. I just want this school year to end. I am tired of all the competition with grades and shit. I just don't care anymore. I woke up this morning with a terrible stomachache. I didn't want to move or get dressed or do anything. I just wanted to sleep. I had to carry like five million books into school today because they're all due to the book depository.
I just can't deal with people right now. And on top of that, my bgf's girlfriend is visiting him, and I'm trying not to think about it, but it's like stabbing me in the chest. I don't want to go to math, or orchestra, or english, or physci. But I don't know what to do. Have you ever gotten hurt really bad and you can't sit still? Like you stub your toe or something and you start jumping up and down to distract yourself and release negative energy? That's how I'm feeling right now. Except with emotional pain.
Someone asked me about my ex today, and what happened to him (not my bgf.. the one before that.). It's funny though... I didn't have an issue talking about him. I was just like, oh, that douche? He just had some major issues, and obviously he didn't see what he was missing out on. My heart didn't jump, I just didn't give a fuck. Score. I did notice yesterday though, when I was making an avatar for Steven Dedalus, that I made him look exactly like my ex. My best friend came over after school and she was like, "HAHAHA YOU MADE IT LOOK LIKE HIM." And I was like shut the hell up. Lol. It really does look like him though. Don't ever date greeks. They're bad news. I mean really religious ones though... if you're not greek, you're not getting into their life. Non religious ones don't care.
Wow. I just want to shoot someone right now.
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