Monday, October 8, 2012

With each passing day, I realize how terrible you were for me. I realize what an awful person you are. Everyday I see you in the hallway... your face just depresses me. Your smile is all wrong, it looks deformed on your face, when your eyes are screaming in pain. You always look like your life is just so terrible. You drag my mood down every time I see you. You have the dryest sense of humor ever. I just feel like you're so spoiled, and you see nothing positive in life anymore. I can honestly say I don't miss you at all, and I'm glad I've moved on. I wouldn't want to redate a loser like you.

Just try to be happy for once. Your life is not as bad as you make it to be. Other people have it way worse than you. If you're honestly THAT sad, go see a therapist, like I've been telling you to do for years and years. You need help. You're seriously messed up in the head, and you don't have the balls to admit that to yourself. If you're depressed, get some antidepressants. Paste a real smile on your face and keep it there. People don't want to pity you and your pathetic self.

Get some confidence while you're at it. It's not sexy to hear a boy bash himself repeatedly. Just like it's not nice to hear a girl complain about how fat she is, I really don't fucking care how short you are, or how having so much muscle is just so hard. Yes, I know. Your life is obviously just so fucking hard. 

It's not like your mother is dying. It's not like you were ever abused. It's not like your parents are divorced. It's not like you need a job to support your own family and put food on the table for your entire family at age SIXTEEN. It's not like you have to be a therapist for everyone you know. It's not like you cut your wrists just so you can feel someone and know that you're alive. It's not like you've ever tried to hang yourself and ended up in the hospital. 

So just cut it out. TRY to be happy, you dumb fuck. If I can be happy living the shitty life that I do, you can too.

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