Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I feel myself slowly regressing back into the dark little world I used to live in. Things just seem darker now. I should be happy, but instead I feel stressed and absolutely hopeless. I don't even care about my homework or all the tests I have coming up. I just want to come home and sleep. I have no energy in the mornings anymore. Caffeine isn't even working for me. Everything that used to bring me joy has just kind of dulled into a faint feeling.

I don't like this place. It's scary, and I feel so alone and weak. Like life is getting the best of me and I'm slowly just giving in. I tell myself I have only two more weeks, but everyday just seems to get longer and longer, time drags by slowly, and the only light I have is my boyfriend and the few friends that I have. I've lost contact with a lot of them. I miss my dad. My best friend is long gone. I just feel really alone right now. Even the smallest little things annoy the hell out of me. I'm irritable and cranky because of my nightmares.

I just want all of this to be over with.

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